What The Fuck Are Flaws? ~ Winnipeg Boudoir Photography

"Love your flaws", "Flawsome", "Every flaw is beautiful." etc. What the actual fuck? (#sorrynotsorry for the swearing)  I hear it far too often that someone says "I love all of me, flaws and all" and every time I want to shake them and say "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??"  Nothing on your body is a flaw.  It is what it is.  The way you are is the way you are and THAT is perfect. Just because some fucking advertisement tells you that you can use concealer to cover your "flawed" skin or that a stupidly expensive face cream will give you "flawless" skin doesn't mean you are imperfect, my friend.  Do not believe the bullshit hype.  The things you think are negative....are not.  I know this sounds like some sort of new-age bullshit, but I assure you that marketing and ad agencies have known this forever.  The only reason you buy their shit is to fix "problems" you don't even have half of the time!!  How can you be flawed when you are literally the only version of yourself?  You may have a twin, but they are still not 100% YOU and never will be, so there cannot be a "flaw" in the perfect design that is you.
