The first time Ms. T bopped into my studio I knew we were going to be good friends. This woman's personality can only be described as "sparkly" and I could feel it as soon as I looked into her beautiful eyes. The past year has been a bit rough for this beauty, but she doesn't let it get her down, she just does what she has to do and moves on! As a single parent, Ms. T works hard to do the best for her daughter but along the way, she somehow forgot about herself. At the beginning of 2016, she vowed to start taking care of herself and doing things to give back to herself and her boudoir experience was only part of that adventure!
My favorite part about this bombshell, was the amount of swearing that came out of her mouth when she saw the Polaroid that I had taken from her session. I believe her exact words were: "Holy fuck shit goddamned." Ms. T had told me that seeing photos of herself in the past, she always picked at herself mercilessly and hated the way she looked, so it was extremely refreshing for her to fall in love with herself! When she came in for her reveal, it was even better. This beautiful woman with the mouth of a truck driver reveled in her gloriousness, appreciating the way her body looked, her expressions, her smile, and of course, those beautiful sparkly eyes. Every photo made her grin (and swear) and while she had a hard time narrowing them down, she was finally able to decide on some kick ass images to put into her luxurious album.
While Miss T.'s story maybe isn't that uncommon from a lot of people, but it is something that requires extreme strength. I find that mothers especially, have a hard time putting themselves first, investing in themselves, and doing something that could be seen as "vain" or "expensive" but when it comes to their kids, they will literally crawl to the ends of the earth and do what they can to make their family happy. The problem with this, is that a person can only give so much of themselves before they need to fill up their own cup...with experiences, self-dates, and most importantly, self love. Taking the time to reflect on the awesome human you are, how strong you are, and appreciate all that you give to the world is crucial to your mental health and making sure that you can give to those that need to take. Doing the things that make you feel happy, feel excited, and get you out of your comfort zone is absolutely key.
I always say that my boudy babes' stories are what inspires other women to live their life to the fullest, and Miss T is no exception. She gave me full permission to share her images, but also her experience with you! I am so excited for the next time this boudy babe comes back to the studio because she is super sparkly, delightful, and sexy as fuck. Here is what she had to say about her experience:"All I can say Teri is "holy shit! ". It is by far the best thing I have ever decided to do for myself. I've always been very self conscious about my weight. I've never enjoyed having my photo taken, and when I've seen photos of myself in the past I've always picked myself apart mercilessly. At the beginning of 2016 I decided that this is my year and suddenly I have a self confidence I never had before. That has only increased exponentially since meeting Teri! I was nervous about the shoot, although Teri has a way about her that really put me at ease right from the beginning! I think my biggest fear was that the photos would be good, but not as good as other girls I've seen on Teri's blog. After all, I figured, I don't have those great hips, long legs or beautiful faces that those girls have. I couldn't have been more wrong! I loved every second of the shoot and really gave it my all. Teri is so funny that the hardest thing was to wipe the permanent grin off my face while I was supposed to be looking sexy and sultry. She made me feel very comfortable and at ease, and made me feel super sexy too! I was probably more nervous to see the photos than I was having them taken. In England we would say I was "gobsmacked" when I saw them. (That's a good thing!). I swore a LOT, because I didn't know how to otherwise express how incredibly happy I was with the photos. I look amazing :). What I love most is that the photos look like me, they've captured who I am as a person, and I recognize and identify with that sexy girl too!! I can't wait for the next photo session! I'll be back for sure!"
Now, take Justin Beiber's advice, and GO LOVE YOURSELF.