Miss N and I go waaaaaay back to when I used to live in Regina, but we connected on a deeper level because she had relatives from my hometown! What are the chances? Anyhow, I have done photos for her on numerous occasions, but ever since I have known her I have been immensely impressed by her strength and resilience. She is not one to back down easily (which might be why loves husky dogs...she can relate to them), she is always strengthening herself, whether it be physically, mentally, or creatively.
When we first met, I think her "thing" at the time was triathalons, which took so much dedication and more recently she has lost herself in dance. Not only does she professionally dance herself, but she also teaches clients in Regina. More than that, though, she has found yet another outlet for her soul.
Miss N is one of those girls, that if you looked at her you would say she has the "perfect body", "gorgeous hair", etc. but she has endured so much more than just her kick ass looks and her strength comes from a place deeper than her tightly toned muscles.
The past year hasn't been the best too Miss N, but it really hasn't slowed her down. In fact, she has used it to fuel her passions and her dreams and is moving on and moving forward.
The type of stuff that has plagued Miss N's life is the type of shit that happens to a lot of people and while I don't need to share the details of her personal life, I can tell you that it doesn't matter WHAT the scenario is, but if it drags you down, makes you feel like shit, and puts you in a dark place, it is not a place that you should dwell. It's never easy to get out of what we know for fear of what other people will think, it's comfortable, it has become the new "normal", whatever, but you need to take a chapter from Miss N's book and move into the light. Shitty job? Start planning your escape! Horrible relationship that is not doing either of you any good? Get the f* out! (ps. it's not love if either of you are suffering internally) No money? What are you doing to change? You get what I am saying.
Move on, and don't look back.