Miss T is quite the firecracker. This woman brought a whole suitcase of amazing garments, but perhaps my favorite item she brought was the 8X10 printed photo of Brad Pitt that we stuck around the studio when we needed her to "look lustful". It mostly just created laughter, but it was such a good time. Miss T was one of the gorgeous babes that responded to my casting call for babes over 40. The reason I did that specific casting call was that, while I do shoot women over 40 (up into their late 70s so far!!) many of them come from a generation where you don't share your naughty bits on the internet, or they have higher profile jobs that prevent them from sharing their images, so they are under-represented on my website and I needed to change that!! People need to see that age is nothing and if you aren't aging, you are dead, so embrace the laugh lines, the wrinkles, the age spots, and whatever else comes with it. (We have a project c0ming up to pushback against what the media makes us think of aging, so stay tuned for that!!) In any case, check out Miss T's glorious story below!
Let’s see, where to begin - it all started in a 5,000-watt radio station in Fresno, California. With just a $50-a-week paycheck and a dream. Haha…TV viewers of the 70’s might get that! As an 'older gal'...I have long entertained the idea to treat myself to such an experience. As often is my style...I waffled. Rewinding, I am unsure how I found Teri on facebook - but happily...I did. I adored Teri's work and I especially adored the courage of all the ladies who were 'doing it'!
Their resulting images were gorgeous – I especially enjoyed reading the stories – about the brave models, about their ‘herstory’, about their experience, about how they felt more powerful for doing it! As beautiful as the Universe unfolds - unplanned spur of the moment, I responded to Teri's 'mature' plus 45 year old gal “Casting Call”.
Absolutely I hesitated! Questioning the likelihood of being selected, questioning my ability to actually have the mustard to do such a boudoir session, and questioning myself why I was interested and wanted to do this! I somewhat ‘struggle’ with aging. Nope – I do not resent my aging body. Only post divorce (15 years ago) did I do some ‘self-work’ and discovered a girl who allowed her true colours to become lost and buried. Awakening a stronger, more confident me…I found happiness with being me. Back at 42 years of age I finally ‘fell in love with myself’, and not in an arrogant way, simply being happy being me. For me, the struggle with aging is and remains a mental or emotional ‘fear’. Ka-Boom. Sending in a reply to the ‘call out’ – the wheels were now in motion.
Giddy was I when I received reply from Teri. Few days later I found myself somewhat floundering about my ability/courage to do this, contemplated cancelling, then reasoned that I would regret not doing this. Slowly I warmly embraced the personal challenge – and – a big driver for me was a passage I read in Teri’s VIP Boudy Babes: Because I want you to look back in 10 years and say “I knew I was gorgeous” instead of I wish I knew how gorgeous I was… THAT drove it home for me! Like a prawn who yawns at dawn…it was on!
I became determined to push myself out of my cozy comfort level and let er rip! Results have left me feeling completely over the moon… I enjoyed the time and experience of having my make up applied by Nicole – she is a true sweet girl and I felt so comfortable in her hands. Certainly a fabulous prelude to this photo experience! The quick-thinking, warm personality, and great sense of humour of Teri immediately made me feel ‘at home’…I very much like that! I enjoyed the ease, the comfort…everything rolled up…giving myself permission to ‘dig in’ wake up and allow my inner bombshell to surface and breath!!!
I had picked up my album on a workday lunch break. Getting back to work I chose to wait til I got home to open the beautifully wrapped album. Rewinding... I pulled the boxed album out of the UBER kewl bag...nice. I opened the box and my eyes immediately landed on a little white envelope. In that precise moment my little heart pitter-pattered! Thank you Teri for adding the personal card. Your thoughtfulness is amazing and this little detail...well you could have knocked me over with a feather! I have loved every moment of this Epic Empowering Adventure! La Grrrrr *roar*
PS. Bombshell has NOT gone back to slumber. She is me. I catch glimpses of her in a reflection, I feel her in a quiet moment when a silent sly grin appears on my lips, I sense her courage when I recall this fucking fabulous experience. ~ Viva la Empowerment XO
To anyone contemplating doing a boudoir session: "Gather up your mustard - and - do it! You can do this! You will be happy you did. You will not regret it. Seize the moment. Celebrate the gorgeousness of you You YOU! Tap into & wake up your inner bombshell...she is in there!!!"