My morning client had cancelled her session at the last minute, so I had some time to use the beautiful morning light in our Airbnb. Makeup artist extraordinaire, Nicole was more than happy to oblige!! She rocked the Slay bodysuit that I had gotten from Winners and helped me fulfill my inspiration shoot around this gorgeous home. We took advantage of all the gorgeous details that were littered throughout this gorgeous house!
Do you have a gorgeously styled home that you would like to do your boudoir session in? If so, when you shoot me an email, let me know about your ideas as I am always inspired by small details and fabulous light! I am not opposed to venturing outside the studio, so we can definitely chat!
She Didn't Feel Sexy {Minneapolis Diaries} ~ International Boudoir Photographer
Miss A and I spent a lot of time together while in Minneapolis because she wanted to put herself into her clients' shoes, but also she wanted to get her mentorship on! I had the pleasure of photographing her in my gorgeous AirBNB and then hanging with her at her awesome Minneapolis studio! This babe was nervous, but also incredibly saucy once we started shooting! She totally gets my mission and promotes the same female empowerment at her boudoir studio, focusing on shooting ladies with curves. Both of us talked about how it was important for there to be diversity of body types in the media, and since we are technically the "media" we could help make this change! So, without further adieu, here is Miss A and her beautiful story.
I loved the experience and just the feeling of confidence afterwards and knowing that I have done this not only for myself but also for my clients when I photograph them.
I was so scared and nervous and seriously thought that she couldn't bring out sexy in me because I don't feel that way... I sometimes feel cute or silly but not sexy and beautiful. And to be okay with my body, which is a size 28 and to actually see it being strong and holding those poses {which were hard work) and yet I could do it even at my size!
Overall, the experience really had me thinking and re-evaluating my body and how I perceive myself! Thank you for letting me see a different side of me and pushing me out of my comfort zone!
Not only did this babe kill it, but she now knows exactly what her clients feel: before, during, and after the shoot. You can see Miss A's own bog post about her experience here! I cannot wait to see her business grow! This is why I love, love, love to do mentorships (or teritorials as I call them)!! I, as one person, can only empower so many people, but if I can mentor and educate photographers to help them go forth and empower women, then so many more women will have their lives changed!! So, if you are a photographer wanting to impact more women and do more with your business, let me know or if you are a client who is ready to take the leap and do something you will NEVER regret, shoot me an email!
She Is A Fighter {Minneapolis Diaries} ~ International Boudoir Photographer
The team and I took a road trip down to the big city of Minneapolis for shooting and shopping and it was a whirlwind of a trip. We went down on Canada day, stayed for July 4th, and met some crazy beautiful women with fabulous stories. Miss R found out about me through her friend that I had the pleasure of shooting in Vegas and drove 3 hours to come see me! We shot at the gorgeous AirBnb that we rented for the week and made use of the gorgeous moody light. I could tell when Miss R got there that she had some hesitations and was extremely nervous. Due to the distance we were not able to have an in-person consultation, so I totally got where she was coming from, but this is why it is SO important that we do consultations if you ARE in Winnipeg! Anywho, this babe was reluctant because she saw herself as "Mom" and "Wife" and was unsure of herself and her body since she had 3 little ones. I will let her tell you her story, but I have to say she blew. me. away. She dug deep and found herself again.
So I finally did it. Me, a young mom of three, self conscious to the max, fighting major depression since childhood and still struggling to 'find myself'. As we talked prior to shoot, I know Teri could see my shy and timid nature, but as we continued shooting I found myself turn into a sexy beast, someone I never knew I could be.
The compliments and easy directions Teri told me, made it so easy for me to transform. I know she doesn't say she will transform us, better enhance our own beauty, let that person who's been hiding out, but she did, she transformed me into a goddess!
I felt more confident than I have ever felt in my entire life. I felt sexy. I felt beautiful. I felt happy with myself. And very brave for doing this.
Never once during the entire session did I do my normal negative self talk, pointing out my 'mom tummy', how my face is too fat, how I hate my thighs and I wish I was thinner, NONE, NONE OF IT!!! I was fierce, I was incredible and I felt amazing. I was no longer 'just a mom', 'not pretty enough for this', or a 'lost and self conscious girl'... I was a woman, a fucking hot and awesome woman who can and WILL achieve amazing things.
<3 I cant thank you enough for making me feel like this Teri. You are a wonderful person to change lives like this!
My favorite outfit was nothing at all. By the end of the session I felt so confident, nothing but a blanket was all I needed to shine through! At the beginning I was so nervous and scared but quickly I changed into someone who wasn't afraid of anything.
I'm so grateful to have the photos to remind myself that I can be beautiful, I can be sexy and I can always be timid about something as long as I fight through it, amazing results will shine through. Thank you for this opportunity to find the good in myself again!
I think Miss R. hit the nail on the head when she said it's okay to be timid, as long as you fight through it to do something amazing that you will never regret! I am so thankful she shared her story and her experience because I know there are far too many "moms" out there who forget that they are first and foremost WOMEN. Think you are ready to reclaim your sensuality and goddess-like nature? If so, hit me up at the contact page and let's chat!!