Desert Storm {Las Vegas Diaries} ~ International Boudoir Photography

Winnipeg boudoir photographer{By now you should assume that all my posts will feature nips and bums, so if you are in a location where this is not allowed, feel free to exit!!)One of the perks to visiting Vegas, was actually leaving Vegas to experience the beauty of the desert.  Being from the prairies I am no stranger to flat land, but there is something distinctly beautiful about this cactus-filled landscape.  Despite me constantly tripping over the tiny little cactus bushes and scratching my legs like crazy, I was able to get some gorgeous shots of Miss M and Miss K (both exceptional boudoir photographers!!) in this barren backdrop.  Shooting outside reminded me how much I missed the sun, the feel of heat and now I cannot wait until it warms up so I can get back outside with my babes!  I love the connection between women and nature: both beautiful, unpredictable, and powerful.  To capture both of these wild elements at the same time makes my heart soar.  Anyhow, check out the first of the Desert sessions!Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographerWinnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer  Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer Winnipeg boudoir photographer

She Finally Got Her Photo Taken {Las Vegas Diaries} ~ International Boudoir Photographer

boudoir photographer winnipegOver the next few weeks you are going to get inundated with sexy photos from my time in Vegas.  Most of the beautiful babes I had the pleasure of photographing were boudoir photographers and specialists in their area.  I love, love, LOVE shooting boudoir photographers because I find they are one of two people: 1)bad ass babes that aren't afraid to kill their shoot and give me over the top sexuality and emotion (LOVE IT!!) or 2)have never had a boudoir session done because of their own fears and insecurities.  After talking to a ton of boudy photogs, I have found that many of us fall into this line of work in an effort to understand and empower ourselves through the goddesses that step in front of our cameras.  I was excited when Miss A offered herself up when I posted about wanting to shoot ALL the things while in Vegas and for her the experience (I think) was transformational.  She now knows what her clients go through and she was surprised at my method of shooting, in that I shot so quickly and with such precise direction that she didn't have a chance to second guess herself and what she was doing.  Overall, Miss A. KILLED her shoot and I am pleased to share these gorgeous hotel shots with you!boudoir photographer winnipeg boudoir photographer winnipeg boudoir photographer winnipeg boudoir photographer winnipeg boudoir photographer winnipeg boudoir photographer winnipeg boudoir photographer winnipeg boudoir photographer winnipeg boudoir photographer winnipeg boudoir photographer winnipeg

Vancouver Vixen ~ International Boudoir Photography

boudoir photography VancouverMiss J and I had the pleasure of meeting in person finally, after months of corresponding via the Facebook and Facebook group.  As a fellow boudie photog, her and I have a lot in common, so I was excited to meet with her!  I love learning and hearing from other photogs about their practices and just getting to see people face to face after only know them via their internet persona.boudoir photography Vancouver boudoir photography Vancouver boudoir photography VancouverLike most women, Miss J had concerns about parts of her body, but with correct styling and posing we were able to eradicate those fears and concerns and make her look f*ing amazing.  Does anyone else think she looks like Christina Hendrix?boudoir photography Vancouver boudoir photography Vancouver boudoir photography VancouverWe played around in my hotel room in Vancouver and chatted about business and enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Cactus Club.  After meeting Miss J I realized how much MORE awesome she is in person than just online (as most of us are!) In addition to running her business, she also has a lovely little family that she loves immensely.  She is extremely passionate about her work and she does amazingly elaborate, fantastical shoots for her clients that are super dreamy!boudoir photography Vancouver boudoir photography Vancouver boudoir photography Vancouver boudoir photography VancouverIn addition to shooting this kick ass bombshell, I was treated to some beautiful, super moody, rainy Vancouver weather which allowed me to get the rich tones for her session!  A lot of people shy away from the dark weather, but I find that it helps me created some amazingly contrasty images which I loooooove!  That being said, before she left, I shoved her into the glass shower for a few shots to take advantage of the huge ring light provided by the bathroom mirror!  Anywho, enjoy her gorgeous session and if you are from Vancouver and would love to shoot with me the next time I am there, let me know!!  I LOVE Vancouver!boudoir photography Vancouver boudoir photography Vancouver boudoir photography Vancouver boudoir photography Vancouvere

Stoner Babe ~ International Boudoir Photography

boudoir photography PortlandMiss G. was with me for 2 days while I was in Portland!  In addition to doing hair and makeup for both shoots, I somehow convinced this babe to model for me!  With such amazing bone structure and attitude, how could I not??  And check out her tattoos!boudoir photography Portlandboudoir photography Portland boudoir photography PortlandA self-proclaimed stoner babe, Miss G. does some modeling for a local lingerie company called VaVa Lingerie and she had so many gorgeous pieces it was hard to narrow down for her session.  I mean, come velvet?? *drool*boudoir photography PortlandMiss G. professed to me that she wasn't always happy with her body and wouldn't just let anyone photograph her, so I took it as a real honor.  I think it's important noting this, because I know there are a lot of women who say "Why wouldn't she like her body?? I would love to be her size!" etc. but what people don't realize is that body image has very little to do with your actual body and that there is no "perfect" size or body standard that needs to be met.boudoir photography Portland boudoir photography PortlandSometimes, I find that women who don't deal with weight issues (different from body image) actually get the shit end of the stick.  Now, wait, hear me out. Women who are "smaller" typically get scoffed at if they mention their unhappiness with their weight, shape or size. This means they internalize it and finder other ways to deal with it, and these other ways are standardly more harmful to their body and mind.boudoir photography PortlandSo, what can we do about this?  First we can be conscious of how we respond to our friends and family when they mention their unhappiness.  Don't just laugh it off, instead ask them why they feel a certain way and is there anything you can do to help.  Sometimes just being able to talk about it makes a big difference.  Secondly, watch what you say.  The body positivity movement means inclusive of ALL bodies so when you see a picture of a smaller woman, you do NOT call her a skinny bitch or assume she has a perfect life.  We can do better, my lady friends, and it all starts within.  Talk beautifully to yourself and speak beautifully to your friends and family members.  Treat yourself and them with care and help them see their beauty, inside and out.boudoir photography Portland boudoir photography Portland

A Mermaid In a Tub ~ International Boudoir Photography

boudoir photography PortlandMiss K is one of my Portland beauties who allowed me to photograph her while I was there!  This blue-haired maven rocked her shoot with her little preggo tummy and didn't let that hold her back from being super sensual and amazing! Forwarning: There are nippies going forward, so if that isn't your jam or you are at work, I suggest you come back later (or never, if you actually hate nipples that much.)boudoir photography Portlandboudoir photography PortlandMiss K. let me dress her in items that I brought from the studio, but she also had some amazing lingerie that showed off her newly acquired *ahem* chest (the joys of pregnancy, 'miright?)  She was so effervescent for her shoot and maybe it was her hair or her Portlandian attitude, but she was super magical and laid back throughout her session.boudoir photography Portland boudoir photography PortlandAfter shooting the lingerie type things, I couldn't believe I convinced her to go out in the rain and get into the very cold (and slightly dirty!) tub to make a magical mermaidian image!  The gorgeous lingerie set was hand beaded by our talented makeup artist Gina (a girl of many talents, I tell ya!) and it looked so amazing with Miss K's hair and eyes!boudoir photography Portland boudoir photography Portland boudoir photography PortlandI think it's funny how when we have tummies that grow babies, we love them, caress them and care for soon as the baby leaves, we suddenly have disgust for this amazing piece of our body which literally, changed your world.  I want you to love your tummy as much today as you did when it housed your children.  It may look different, but it is still worthy of love and affection.boudoir photography Portland